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Summit Community Power Works / Utah Clean Energy

Now is the time for bold and ambitious action on climate change

Mountain communities like Park City are witnessing the impacts of the climate crisis first-hand. Protecting our environment requires us to end our dependence on polluting energy, right now. Powering our communities with clean solar, wind, and geothermal energy isn’t a pipe dream, in fact, it is within our grasp. Together we can have clean air and a healthy climate.

We need to work together as a community to make the transition to 100% renewable energy

Utah Clean Energy is Utah’s leading expert on clean-energy solutions. Our passionate team is credited with some of the biggest air quality, climate, and environmental victories in Utah, focusing on solutions that make clean energy, energy efficiency, and electric vehicles available to all Utahns. How do we do it? With you!

Helping Park City and Summit County Achieve Their Environmental Goals

Park City and Summit County have committed to power their communities with 100% net-renewable electricity by 2030. These local governments have teamed up with Utah Clean Energy's experts to develop a roadmap to achieve this ambitious climate goal and end our dependence on polluting energy. 

Improving Air Quality and Addressing Climate Change, One Action at a Time

Utah Clean Energy is proud to head up the SCPW Challenge, an online tool that is empowering residents with information and advice, helping them take personal actions to protect our environment by reducing their carbon footprint. 


Organization Info


Utah Clean Energy




1014 2ND AVE




Environment Community Economic Development


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